Customized Workforce Solutions That Enhance Business Competitiveness, Productivity and Growth.
What Would You Like to Accomplish?
Our Programs

The Employee Training Institute (ETI) at College of the Canyons provides customized workplace education and training to businesses, municipalities, and government agencies.

Our Fast Track Programs provide fast-paced, intensive, job preparation for job seekers with our Uniquely Abled or Low Observable programs.
We also offer shorter courses aimed at providing essential job skills training, such as our Forklift Certification and our Healthcare Continuing Education courses.
Employment Training Panel (ETP) funding is available for eligible employers to provide businesses with low-cost, subsidized training programs. Find out if you qualify.
“Our partnership with the ETI has been a meaningful and impactful source of development for nearly 200 employees.”
Manager II Mfg. Training & Continuous Improvement
Boston Scientific Corporation
News & Events

Hands-on CNC Operator Training
July 7, 2023

Uniquely Abled Academy Sets May Graduation Date
May 9, 2023