Employment Training Panel Funding
The Employment Training Panel is the state’s premier program supporting job creation and retention through training. ETP fulfills its mission by reimbursing the cost of employer-driven training for incumbent workers and funding training for unemployed workers, which is designed to help them re-enter the workforce. ETP programs help ensure that California businesses have the skilled workers they need to remain competitive in a global economy. The agency is funded by a special tax on California employers.
- Business Skills
- Commercial Skills
- Computer Skills
- Continuous Improvement Skills
- Green/Clean Skills
- Hazardous Materials Skills
- Literacy Skills
- Management Skills
- Manufacturing Skills
- Medical Skills
We are experienced at securing funding on behalf of our clients. We will handle all the administrative processes including your application, contracts, ETP monitoring, and reimbursement of funds—and we will deliver the training program that fits your business needs and goals. All you need to do is send your employees to be trained!
Contact us today to find out if you qualify to receive ETP funding.
Jocey Hogan
Client Relations Liaison
Employee Training Institute
College of the Canyons
Office: 661-362-5657
Mobile: 661-713-4440
[email protected]

"ETP’s long-standing partnerships with community colleges across the state are critical to reaching employers and providing quality job training. We are extremely impressed with how the colleges have positioned themselves to respond quickly and effectively to employers’ short-term training needs.”
Reg JavierExecutive Director, the Employment Training Panel